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46 rijksmonumenten gevonden

Omwalling Vianen.JPG - Monumental buildings in Vianen, the Netherlands arch - 2010 | (Wikipedia PD) favorite_outline favorite
KorteKerkstraat.3.Vianen China Crisis - 9 October 2010 | (Wikipedia CC-BY-SA-3.0,2.5,2.0,1.0) favorite_outline favorite
In het pand of op de grens van het erf bevindende stadsmuur(resten) Korte Kerkstraat 3, Vianen, Utrecht
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Vianen.Lekpoort - City gate Lekpoort in Vianen, the Netherlands. Built 15th century; windows and steeple 16th century. The bell was cast in 1647 by François Hemony. Dimensions: 27 x 9 x 7 m. (Source: information sign at the gate) User:China_Crisis - created June 2, 2007 | (Wikipedia CC-BY-SA-2.5,2.0,1.0) favorite_outline favorite
Lekpoort Buitenstad 1, Vianen, Utrecht
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Vianen Vestingwerken zuidzijde.JPG - Monumental buildings in Vianen, the Netherlands arch - 23 July 2010 | (Wikipedia PD) favorite_outline favorite
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Plattegronden kelder, begane grond en verdieping en lengtedoorsnede Jehee, J. - 1988 | (Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0 NL) favorite_outline favorite
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